Friday, March 11, 2005

Financial Freedom-Is It a Pipe Dream?

I have a dream that one day people around the world will truly understand their personal and business finances and that they can have sustainable financial freedom.
Sustainable financial freedom won’t just happen to you one day in the future. It’s not going to leap out from behind a rock and ask you to embrace it like a dream. It requires a lot of work and energy to plan towards this position in your future.
Many people are trapped with a lack of education when it comes to money and consequently have very little idea of how it works. They run a mixture of hope and repeated experience to try and get ahead but often make only minimal progress.
Without knowing it, they are slightly insane as shown in the following definition of insanity: ‘doing the same thing and expecting different results’
But many people are like this. Often they are like urban subsistence farmers living from pay packet to pay packet. Doing the same thing with their money week in week out, month in month out, and in some cases year in year out. Always hoping that one day things will change and they’ll find financial freedom BUT it won’t just happen!!

So understanding your personal and business finances is a dynamic thing. It’s not something which you get right and it stays right. It’s almost like dancing with an eel! Just when you think you’ve got everything right its slips right out of your fingers! So doing the same thing all the time is never going to get you to the right answer.

But why bother to even understand. Why not just ignore what’s happening around you because when you die you can’t take anything with you. Right!!
Ignorance is a great strategy if you want to keep working until the day you die. You can continue to sell your time for money and have enough income to survive until the very next pay packet. However, most people look forward to some sort of retirement where more time can be spent on pleasure. The trend today is for people to retire earlier, if possible, and live longer! So how would you feed and clothe yourself if you were not working? How would you run a motor vehicle and go on holidays when you wanted to?

One definition of wealth is: How long can you survive without being paid for your time? For many people it’s hard to get to the next pay packet let alone beyond that but if you think about it, financial freedom means never having to worry about a pay packet again. Having the financial resources to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

Sustainable financial freedom means that you no longer need a pay packet to survive and you can live off your investments whatever they may be. But to get to that point requires understanding what you’re doing with your money and how it all works together.
Understanding the BIG picture of your finances is a relatively simple thing when you understand how all the pieces work together and you can plan with a degree of certainty. The Financial Fence® is a simple way of understanding how things work together. With this tool you can easily work out what you need to do to be sustainable and where you will need to put your effort.

There is an old proverb which says:
Your money can be gone in a flash. As if it had grown wings and flown away like an eagle!

Get some education today so that you can make sure your hard earned money doesn’t grow wings in front of you and fly away before your very eyes!


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