Money - Good or bad?
There was a time when money did not exist in the world and maybe life would have been less stressful back then! I think it probably would have but it would have been travelling alot slower as well. The advent of money has allowed us to trade with one another on a far more frequent and convenient basis.
And that's the reason why money is something which can disappear in a flash. We all know that buying is done on emotion and not on logic. For example take the man that went into the fishing shop to buy a new reel. While in there he saw a rod on special, some new hooks that were the latest and greatest, a new fishing jacket that he had been looking for for ages. As he was driving home with all these wonderful purchases in the back of the car he began searching for the logical reason he was going to give his wife for why he had put all of these new bargains on his credit card.
You see that if something is easy to buy then emotion can destroy all your logic in a split second and you will end up making purchases that you want and don't actually need.
By making money available for people they will tend to spend it. Think about this yourself. How much of each paypacket do you have left when you receive your next one. Normally not a lot and for those of you who are real spendthrifts, you will be taking a portion of your income to pay off credit card debts which were incurred when you were spending money before you had even received the income.
Make sure you holdmontpo some of your hard earned money each month otherwise in the future you'll have nothing to fall back on when the inevitable unexpected expense arrives.
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