Monday, April 18, 2005

Why is money so important?

There are very few things that we can excape in our modern Western World and money is one of those things.
It has tremendous power but also can be a real hassle for people.
I think that one of the hardest things with money is not to feel a servant of it. We all want to have a reasonably successful life but in the end, many of the things that we point to as being successful, require money as the catalyst to make them happen.
I have often found that people would like to have the money to do what they want to; when they want to do it; and this is the definition of having a successful life.
This requires passive money or income which is sustainable over the long haul. Having been both an employee and now a business owner, I have found that as an employee it was actually very difficult to get myself into a position where I could be sustainable over the long haul. By this I mean, if I stopped working , where would the money come from? To become successful within the business required me to focus heavily on supporting the business and as a result I became so busy making money for the firm that I forgot to think about my own financial freedom. Much of the wealth that went through my hands during that time did not 'stick' and become sustainable capital for me into the future.
So today I believe that it is important to think not only about the business that you work for, but also for what you are trying to build outside that personally. The two businesses that i spent a total of 15 years working for, no longer exist today. All the many hours that I and many others put into them has not kept them alive. I wish that I had been a little more selfish and paid some more attention to building my own capital during that time. Remember that in the end you are likely to have a period where you no longer want to work and will need something to sustain you financially. Why not start to day and build a sustainable capital base that can sustain you and your family forever?


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